Through an overview of the history of photography, it becomes apparent that photographic technology has gradually evolved from a mere recording tool into a rich, multifaceted means of artistic expression. By the late 19th century, "Pictorialism" elevated photography to an art form, emphasizing emotion and aesthetic expression. In contrast, early 20th-century "Straight Photography" focused on sharp, clear images, pursuing an accurate record of reality. Following this, the "New Objectivity" movement proposed that photography should be objective and impassive, advocating a method that presented reality clearly and straightforwardly. "Documentary Photography" exposed social issues and realities, offering profound social and cultural insights. From the mid to late 20th century, "Street Photography" became popular, with street scenes and urban culture becoming the main subjects for photographers. Over time, "Abstract Photography" also gained support among some photographers, abandoning the capture of specific forms and instead emphasizing shapes, colors, and lines in the image. "Postmodern Photography" rejected the traditional objectivity and truthfulness of photography, shifting towards creation methods centered on pluralistic perspectives and deconstructionism. Today, "Computational Photography" is ushering in a new era, where photographers are moving away from traditional camera tools and using powerful computer algorithms to create images, generating photographs from scratch. This has completely transformed the concept and methodology of photography.

    In my work, I aim to expand the aspects of "recording" and "truth" in photography by utilizing indirect expression. Despite photography inherently possessing "truth" as a fundamental characteristic of "recording," it can convey much more expressive information. In "indirect expression in photography," there is no need to intentionally distort the "truth" recorded in the photograph. I believe that demonstrating these aspects of "recording" and "truth" in indirect expression can provide even greater understanding. In my exploration of "indirect expression in photography," I assume the roles of "photographer," "viewer," "photographic work," and "world." Similarly, anyone viewing the work can assume these roles. All of us who engage with photography are on equal footing, and our perspectives themselves become part of the work. Guiding this process is the focus of my creation.

Currently, I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Fine Arts at Tokyo Zokei University.


  写真の歴史の流れを通覧すると、写真技術が単なる記録ツールから豊かな多元的な芸術表現方法へと徐々に進化してきたことが分かる。19世紀末には、「ピクトリアリズム(Pictorialism)」が芸術分野へと写真を昇華させ、感情や美的表現に重点を置いた潮流を引き起こした。それに対し、20世紀初頭の「ストレートフォトグラフィー(straight photography)」は、鮮明で鋭いイメージを強調し、現実を正確に記録することを追求した。その後、「ノイエ・ザッハリッヒカイト(New Objectivity)」は写真が客観的で無感動的であるべきと提案し、現実を明快かつ率直に示す方法を提唱した。「ドキュメンタリーフォトグラフィー(Documentary Photography)」は社会問題や現実を露わにし、深い社会的および文化的洞察を提供した。20世紀中盤から後半にかけては、「ストリートフォトグラフィー(Street Photography)」が流行し、街頭の人々や文化が撮影者のレンズの主題となった。時が経つにつれて、「抽象写真(Abstract Photography)」も一部の撮影者に支持されるようになった。これは、主体の具体的な形態の捕捉を完全に放棄し、イメージの形、色、線を強調するアプローチを取り入れた。「ポストモダン写真(Postmodern Photography)」は、従来の写真の客観性と真実性を拒否し、多元的視点と脱構築主義を中心にした創作方法に転換した。今日では、「コンピュテーショナルフォトグラフィー(Computational Photography)」が新しい時代を築いており、撮影者たちは従来のカメラツールを放棄し、強力なコンピュータアルゴリズムを用いて写真を作成し、ゼロから写真を創造している。これは、写真の概念と方法を完全に変えていた。


Also find me at

Instagram:  @kiroliz



Solo Exhibition

・2024/10 " 遠方 f a r a w a y 2nd", Contemporary Tokyo, Higashishinagawa, Tokyo, Japan (working in progress)

・2022/11 " 遠方 f a r a w a y ", Tentplant Gallery, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

Group Exhibition

・2023/09 " The 58th Kanagawa Art Exhibition 2023 ", Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

・2022/01 " LIFE LINE ", Gallery FACE TO FACE, Suginami, Tokyo, Japan

・2017/07 " CA. 94965 ", 625 Gallery, San Francisco, United States


・2018/04 " 'HAPPILY TOGETHER' 面白 ", United States

Using Format